Christy, Melanie
with Florida Family on Vacation
with Lisa Pinagree from Seattle
Palm Harbor and Honeymoon Beach
April, 1999
Go to: "Melanie Goes to the Beach" web page.
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Cowley Home
Tendring Circle, Palm Harbor, Florida

(, back) Ashley Cowley(13), Steve Cowley(47), Stephanie Cowley(13),
Tom McKnight(54), Lisa Pinagree, Glen McKnight(19), Melanie Heidman(24)
( front) Sandy Cowley(51), Christy Foster(53)

Honeymoon Island State Park

Melanie Heidman, Ashley Cowley, Lisa Pinagree, Christy Foster, Glen McKnight
at Honeymoon Beach, north of Clearwater Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico

Melanie Heidman, Glen McKnight, Chris Foster, Ashley Cowley

Lisa (Goodness) Pinagree, myself, Christy Foster (my 2nd cousin)

Lisa Pinagree, myself, Melanie Heidman (my 3rd cousin)

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